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ShellyChandler | GO3MINISTRIES

Anchor 1
Go Out 

Be Informed 


The Holy Spirit

This part of studying God’s Word is all about being an informed student, and Go Out encompasses Revelation.


It’s a two step process. In Step One, we look outside of the text for foundational information. This is the Go(ing) Out.  This ranges from using commentaries, to complimentary translations, to other books of the Bible, or simply using the internet.  However much information you obtain is really up to you. The deeper you dig, the bigger the blessing.


Whatever passage we look at, we want to know as many details as possible.  Who wrote it?  Why was it written?  Who was the audience?  What historical and cultural significance affect this particular scripture?


In Go Out, you are a detective soaking up information. When we understand what we are studying, new revelations through the Holy Spirit are made possible.  This leads us to Step Two.


Step Two is where the Holy Spirit really shines.  After we have collected all of our outside information, now it’s time to study the passage armed with our new revelations.  Step Two is once again about revelation, but this time it’s discovering what the Holy Spirit can reveal to you in the light of your new knowledge base.  

Passages of scripture will take on deeper meaning and new life when you study this way.  I have never had a time I wasn't blessed when I made the effort to discover what God wanted me to know.   I never want to read my Bible any other way.  There is nothing more powerful than the Holy Spirit working through a devoted student.


Watch Out!  I promise you’ll be hooked into God’s Word when you practice, Go Out.


GoOut   Revelation
Go In
Go In





The next step in the GO3 Method is Go In, and it is all about Reflection. 


After we have studied the text and invited the Holy Spirit to do his work, Go In helps us to reflect on those truths and allow them to change us.  This is transformation through examination.


When you reflect on God's truth, there will always be a choice to make.

​Whether we are aware of it or not, whenever we are faced with truth about God, we will make a decision concerning that truth.  We can choose to accept, ignore, get mad, be blessed, and the list could go on and on.

What Go In encourages is for you to take the truth you've learned, and allow it to go in and become a part of your relationship with God.

This is the Go(ing) In.   


What will this look like?

It could simply be confession of sin. A prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God.  Recording your truths in a journal.  Restoration in your relationship with God.  Only you and God know what changes need to occur.  That is what makes it a personal relationship!  Let God change you by allowing his truth in your life.


What we never want to do is walk away in indifference towards God's truth.  We never want to miss an opportunity He has set before us. We want to take it in, and let it become a part of who we are.  

This is Go In.

GoIn   Reflection
Go further
The last step in GO3 is Go Further.  Go Further has everything to do with your Response by outflow. 

​I am most excited about this step because it puts feet to the change that occurs when God's truths become a part of our lives.


This is an active response to God that most believers miss.

God's truths should not only change us on the inside, but should make an impact on those we come in contact with.  

You may already be practicing this, but my conviction is to be deliberate with our response.  This goes back to not just being a hearer, but a doer of the Word.  This Go(ing) Further.
What will this look like?
This is simply living out God's truths that have been revealed and  implemented on the inside, to outflow to the world.  
This may be showing God's truth to your children as you teach school.
This may be an encouraging word of truth to a co-worker.  This could be living truth with your actions that others witness.  The possibilities are endless!  The difference is our response to God's truth will be intentional.  We will be living in spiritual awareness to life around us.
We can't keep quiet about what God has done!  When God has revealed truth to you that has changed your life, your ministry is to share it!  This is Go Further.  


What I don't want you to miss out on is the simplicity of practicing GO3.  

Please don't get lost in all the words to explain the method.

It really comes down to these 3 small steps:


Go Out - Revelation

Let God reveal his truth to you through the Holy Spirit!


Go In - Reflection

Let God transform you through reflection on that truth!


Go Further - Response

Actively apply that truth through your everyday living!  


I don't ever want to study God's Word and not be changed!

Practice GO3 and you will be a doer, not just a hearer.  

Let's GO together!







Go Further

Be Active 



Order your GO3 Workbook today!
GoFurther  Response

But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. 

James 1:22 NLT 

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